ARexx (6/65)

From:James S. Perrin
Date:2 May 2001 at 20:13:08
Subject:Re: The List, the Universe and Everything

On 02-May-01, Thomas Hurst wrote:

> So what can be done about this? How about a generic Amiga developers
> site covering everything from ARexx to C, E, Rebol, web development,
> API's and so on? The site would be entirely community driven, and
> include discussion groups, tutorials, code libraries and links.

Maybe it would be better to focus on scripting arexx, dos, rebol; less work
therefore more likely to happen ;)


James S. Perrin <>
Cruising at a speed of 10Mips (A1200T 030/50 Voodoo3)
Why go at faster, you just miss the scenery?

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